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The Enclave on Nashville

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99 Nashville Rd, Vaughan

Features & Finishes
• For economical heating, the home will be insulated in accordance
with Energy Star® guidelines, which exceed the currant Ontario
Building Code specifi cations including; full height basement insulation,
expanding foam around all windows and doors.
• Energy Star® qualifi ed windows/skylights and glass sliding/French doors
to be (Low ‘E’ argon gas fi lled, rated for “Zone 2” rating). (As per plan/
• 2" x 6" Exterior wall construction with R-22 5 insulation, R-60 in attic.
Expanding foam insulation to be R-31 to all garage ceilings with fi nished
areas above.
• Natural gas fi replace(s), with spark ignition. (As per plan/elevations/options)
• All bathrooms (with or without windows) have exhaust fan
(Energy Star® qualifi ed) vented to the outside.
• Forced air natural gas condensing furnace, 96% ECM effi ciency, with an
ECM motor, power vented to the outside.
• Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit (H.R.V.) simplifi ed system.
• Energy Star® qualifi ed condensing domestic hot water tank
(rental unit).
• All main trunk ducts, including basements for supply and return and
panned joists to be taped, for added heating and cooling effi ciency.
• Central located electronic Energy Star® qualifi ed thermostat on main fl oor.
• 75% (minimum) of lighting fi xtures will be Energy Star® qualifi ed.
• Extensive caulking for improved energy conservation and draft
• Each home exterior is comprised of a combination of brick, stone,
stucco, aluminum siding, freeze board and/or precast accents
with masonry detailing around windows and doors. (As per plan/
• Quality fi berglass self-sealing high-grade asphalt shingles, with a 25-year
manufacturer’s warranty, accenting metal roof details. (As per plan/
• Durable, maintenance free, pre-fi nished aluminum soffi ts, fascia, eaves
trough and downspouts.
• Prominent insulated entry door with door hardware package including
grip-set and deadbolt, featuring glass inserts to front entry door
features. (As per plan/elevations/options)
• Complementing granite door sills to both front and rear doors for a
custom touch.
• Exterior aluminum railings for decorative applications, (where required
by code). Actual railing detailing may vary from railings depicted on
brochures. (As per plan/elevations/options)
• Two (2) exterior hose bibs are provided, one at rear (or side) and one in
• Private garages to feature pre-fi nished metal overhead garage door
operated by garage door opener.
• Private garages will be mechanically ventilated and sprinklered.
• Doors leading from garage to homes will be insulated hollow metal
entry doors.
• Underground wall construction will be concrete block and/or poured
concrete walls painted to maximize light levels.
• Fully mechanically ventilated and sprinklered underground garage
connected to central fi re alarm control facility that is monitored. Garage
will have CO detectors.
• Underground walls and ceilings painted white to enhance lighting levels
in the drive aisles.
• Panic buttons at key locations in case of emergency. Location at the
builder’s discretion.
• Exit stairs to grade with exposed stairs to the elements being heat
traced to prevent icing.
• Two (2) garbage and recycling rooms (one per level) for residents to
drop off their refuse and recycling.
• Electric car charger rough-in for environmental trailblazers.
• Front, rear and side yards will be fully sodded, creating a truly desirable
and attractive streetscape.
• Relaxing outdoor lounge areas and private landscaped courtyard.
• Visitor parking available.
• Professionally landscaped and maintained grounds.
• 200 amp electrical services with breakers.
• Two (2) weatherproof exterior electrical outlets, one (1) each accessible
at front and rear of home.
• Light fi xtures and capped outlets with switch receptacle provided
throughout fi nished areas excluding dining/living rooms, and great
rooms. (As per vendor’s samples)
• Ceiling mounted light fi xture in all bathroom including all powder
rooms. (As per vendor’s samples)
• Automatic smoke detector(s) with strobe lighting to meet OBC building
codes for home and family safety.
• All wiring in accordance with Ontario Hydro standards.
• All bedrooms equipped with one USB outlet.
• Electric door chime.
• Decora white light switches, plugs and plates.
• Carbon monoxide detectors.
• Two (2) electrical outlets in garage, one (1) on wall and one (1) on ceiling.
• Ground fault indicator receptacles, as per building code.
• 20 LED pot lights on main fl oor (excluding cathedral ceilings and open
to above areas). Location to be determined by purchaser.
• Soaring ten (10') ceilings on ground fl oor. Nine (9') on the second,
and third fl oor. All heights are approximate and subjected to site
plan approval conditions, bulkheads and low headroom areas due to
mechanical systems and ceiling dropped down areas as required. All
heights can be adjusted at the discretion of StateView Homes. Purchaser
accepts the same.
• Sunken or raised foyer, mud room, laundry room, garage entrance landing
(where permitted or dictated by grade). (As per plan/options) Purchaser
accepts the same.
• Easy maintenance free smooth ceilings throughout home.
• White paint on all walls and white semi-gloss paint on doors and trim.
• Elegant oak stairs (veneer risers and stringers), handrails and 1 �" oak
spindles to fi nished areas in warm natural fi nishes. (As per plan/options)
• Striking 7 �" baseboards throughout with doorstop to tile or hardwood
fl oor areas. 3 �" casing on all doors windows and fl at archways
throughout fi nished areas.
• Quality satin nickel fi nished interior Levers on all interior doors with
complementing hinges.
• 8" two panel smooth doors. Pocket doors, and French doors.
All heights are approximate and subjected to site plan approval
conditions, bulkheads and low headroom areas due to mechanical
systems and ceiling dropped down areas as required)
• Elevator option available on all models. (As per plan/options)
• Decorated columns and complementing low wall detail. (As per plan/options)
• Art niche(s), stepped walls, vaulted and / or cathedral ceilings, double
height and Palladian windows, curved walls, media centers and art
ledges, and waffl e ceilings. (As per plan/options)
• Thoughtful storage considerations with well-appointed linen, pantries
and mud room closets. Spacious walk-in closets with shelving installed.
(As per plan/options)
• Custom quality designed kitchen cabinets with your choice of styles
from vendor’s standard samples. (As per plan/options)
• Space for dishwasher including rough-in plumbing and electrical.
• Built-in pantries and broom closets, breakfast counters / Islands and
bank of drawers. (As per plan/options)
• Luxurious granite or quartz kitchen countertops with your choice of
colour from vendor’s standard samples.
• Colour coordinated kick plates to compliment cabinets.
• Stainless steel fi nish, under mount sink in kitchen with pull-out faucet.
• Heavy-duty wiring and outlet for stove and electrical outlet for
• 6" kitchen stove vent to be vented to outside.

• Custom quality designed master ensuite cabinets with your choice of
styles from vendor’s standard samples. (As per plan/options)
• Luxurious granite or quartz master ensuite countertops with your choice of colour from vendor’s standard samples.
• Single lever faucet(s) in all bathrooms.
• High gloss white vanity with single lever faucet for all washrooms.
• Deep acrylic soaker tubs. (As per plan/options)
• Tub and shower stalls are tiled with 8" x 10" porcelain wall tiles up to
ceiling. All showers receive a 2" x 2" mosaic fl oor tile.
• 12" x 24" tile fl ooring in all bathrooms. (As per plan/options)
• Shower stalls to have waterproof light fi xture complete with frameless
glass and door enclosure. (As per plan/options)
• All bathroom tub and shower enclosures to receive “mould resistant
• Shut off valves to all bathroom sinks and toilets.
• Privacy locks on all bathroom doors.

• 12" x 24" tile fl ooring in kitchen, breakfast area, dining room, main hall, mud room and all foyers. (As per plan/options)
• 4" wide natural oak engineered fl ooring in living room, foyer, great
room, den, computer nook, main, 2nd, 3rd level hallways, and all stair
landings. (As per plan/options)
• 4mm natural oak laminate fl ooring on the ground fl oor, excluding
furnace, storage, mechanical rooms. (As per plan/options)
• Luxurious broadloom with under pad in all bedrooms. Purchaser’s choice of two (2) colours from vendor’s standard samples. (As per plan/options)

• All upper fl oor laundry closets/rooms to include a fl oor drain.
(As per plan/options)
• 12" x 24" tile fl ooring in laundry rooms. (As per plan/options.)
• Under mount single stainless steel sink in laundry rooms with pull-out
faucet, and base cabinet. (As per plan/options)
• Luxurious granite or quartz countertops.
• Outside venting for dryer.
• Hot and cold laundry taps for washer with heavy duty wiring for dryer.

• Three (3) cable television outlets (RG-6 Standard). Location to be
determined by purchaser.
• One (1) internet rough-in (CAD-5 Standard). Location to be determined
by purchaser.
• One (1) telephone outlet. Location to be determined by purchaser.
• StateView Homes shall provide a personally scheduled appointment
with our qualified Technical Contractor to explain and co-ordinate any
additional Security/ Technology requirement you may desire.
• Rough-in central vacuum system to all finished floors with pipes
dropped to the basement as determined by StateView Homes.
• Alarm rough-in only.
• Monitored security system available through StateView Homes supplier.
With purchase of optional two-year security system, the buyer will
receive a fully installed security system which includes contacts on all
opening windows and doors for “lookout” and “walkout” basement,
one motion detector, one keypad, one siren and control panel with
associated hardware. (See your Décor Representative for details).

• We are pleased to provide quotations prior to construction for extras
or custom fi nishes for interior features. Purchasers have the opportunity
to make upgraded interior selections when they attend to choose their
colours and materials. (When schedules permit).

• High quality locks with dead bolts on all exterior swing door(s).
• Hinges and striker plates reinforced with extra-long screws.
• Additional screws at patio door to help prevent lifting.
• Municipal address plaques provided.
• Professional home cleaning service prior to occupancy.
• Duct cleaning at time of occupancy.

• StateView Homes is pleased to provide the following warranty
under TARION:

• Deposits paid for condominium units are protected by Tarion up to a
maximum of $20,000 and any deposit amounts are protected by the
trust provisions of the Condominium Act. Deposits paid for all other new
homes are protected by Tarion up to a maximum of $100,000.

• The home is free from defects in workmanship and materials including
caulking windows and doors so that the building if protected against
water leaks
• Defects in workmanship and materials within the distribution of
electrical, plumbing and heating systems.
• Defects in workmanship and materials, resulting in the detachment,
displacement or deterioration of exterior cladding.
• Violations of the Ontario Building Code’s Health and Safety provisions.

• A major structural defect is defined in the Tarion Corporation Plan Act as;
• A defect in workmanship and materials that result in the failure of a loadbearing part of the home’s structure, or any defect in workmanship or
material that adversely affects your use of the building as a home.

• All references to size, measurements, materials, construction styles, trade/brand/industry name or terms may be converted from imperial to metric or vice versa and actual product size may vary slightly as a result.
• All references to features and fi nishes are as per applicable plan or elevation and each item may not be applicable to every home. Locations of features and finishes are as per applicable plan or at the Vendor’s sole discretion. Purchaser is aware that all items labeled as opt. /optional are not included in the standard layouts.
• All features and finishes where Purchasers are given the option to select the style and/or colour shall be from the predetermined standard selections.
• The vendor will not allow the purchaser to do any work and/or supply material to finish
the dwelling before the “Home Closing Date".
• House types subject to final approval by the municipality or developer’s architectural committee final siting and approval by the vendor’s architect.
• Variations from vendor’s samples may occur in finishing materials, kitchen and vanity cabinets, floors and wall finishes due to normal production process. The vendor is not responsible for shade difference occurring from different dye lots on all material such as ceramic tile or broadloom, roof shingles, hardwood flooring, wood stairs, railing, kitchen cabinets, countertops or exterior materials. Colours and material will be as close as possible to vendor’s samples but not necessarily identical. Where Purchasers are given the option to upgrade the stain of the interior stairs and railings, the purchaser is aware that the stain will complement the Harwood; “It will not match the hardwood"
• Purchasers may be required to reselect colours and/or materials from the vendor’ssamples as a result of unavailability or discontinuation.
• Due to grade, door from garage to house may not be available.
• Ceilings and walls may be modified to accommodate mechanical system.
• Purchaser acknowledges being advised that the windows may experience condensation as a result of changes in temperature and humidity in the house and accepts this as a natural characteristic of the windows, and is advised to keep humidity level constant to reduce this tendency.
• In an effort to continuously improve its product StateView Homes reserves the right to alter floorplans, exteriors, specifications and prices without notice. All renderings, floor plans and maps in brochures and sales displays are artists’ conceptions and are not necessarily to scale and the dimensions/square footages are approximate and may vary due to continuous improvement by the vendor.
• The Purchaser acknowledges that the floor plan may be reversed.
• The vendor reserves the right to substitute materials that are of equal or better quality. The determination of whether or not a substitute is of equal or better quality shall be made by the Vendor whose determination shall be final and binding.
• The ceiling height is measured from the top of the unfinished subfloor to the underside of the unfinished ceiling above before finishes and excluding bulkheads and drop ceilings, as per plan.
• If minor variations to the size of the Dwelling including internal dimensions of any areas are made to the Dwelling the Purchaser shall accept such minor variations without any abatement to the Purchase Price (5-10% total area allowance).
May 14, 2020 T H E E N C LAV E
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*Last Updated on Feb 16, 2021 by CondoNow.Please see the CondoNow Terms of Use for full disclosure. All information, prices, terms and conditions subject to change without notice. E. and O.E.
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The Enclave on Nashville 99 Nashville Rd L0J 1C0 ON Vaughan
43.8432004 -79.6322926
Stateview Homes
The Enclave on Nashville This private gated community is home to an exclusive collection of just 21 family-sized detached homes that offer unprecedented style and luxury also offer private elevator access straight into the underground parking. The Enclave on Nashville is nestled among the Humber River, conservation areas, lush parks, and tranquil nature trails, helping to create a peaceful and natural oasis to come home to and explore every day. The gated community offers serene outdoor courtyards and promenades to enjoy a stroll along. Enjoy views of all the surrounding green space and beautiful sunsets from private balconies. The area is extremely established and family-friendly with early learning centres and high-ranking schools located nearby. Community centres and a wide variety of recreational activities are available to residents. Situated within walking distance of the charming Kleinburg Village and its quaint cafes and boutique shops, but still located close enough to all the big city, brand name lifestyle amenities, and attraction the city of Vaughan offers. Residents of The Enclave on Nashville will be able to enjoy a seamless commute throughout York Region and the GTA with easy access to nearby major thoroughfares. Connect to downtown Toronto via Highway 427 in just 40 minutes. Stateview Homes was founded in 2010 by two great real estate minds within the same family, the Taurasi Brothers. Between the two they bring over 35 years experience to the industry. They strive to create niche communities and unique homes that cater to each individual homeowners taste and preference. https://condonow.com/The-Enclave-on-Nashville/images/The-Enclave-on-Nashville-thumbnail.jpg 99 Nashville Rd
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