Accurate Designs

416-768-1290 |
276 Galbraith Blvd,
Milton, ON, L9T 5Y1
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Planning: 1
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799 Brimley Road Condos Map View of Project Future Location

Accurate Designs is the experienced Architectural Design firm that has been serving the GTA and surrounding areas for over two decades.

With extensive design experience in custom homes, remodels, and permit drawings, we can easily anticipate the challenges that may arise with each individual project. This expertise helps to save both time and cost at the forefront, enabling a smoother, and more enjoyable design, permit and construction process.

It’s our commitment to support you through the many stages of the home design process; including:

Walking you through your respective zoning requirements

Collaborating with you to deliver a home design that captures your vision

Helping you apply for / secure your required build permit(s)

Providing your contractor with functional plans that will help make your new custom home a reality.

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