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Pre–construction Condo at Rouge Valley Dr, Markham
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    York Condos Rouge Valley Dr ON Markham
    43.8527652 -79.3279651
    The Remington Group
    York Condos York Condos is a new condo development by Remington Group. York Condos is located at Rouge Valley Dr, Markham. Tower 1 will have 7 storeys; Tower 2 will have 12 storeys and Tower 3 will have 15 storeys. All towers will have 545 units. Location Near Highway 7, York Condos is located near the Rouge River. Nearby stores include Cineplex cinema, Panera Bread, RBC, Whole foods for the convenient factor. CoffeeScore York Condo has a CoffeeScore of 87 as Second Cup is just a short drive away. Schools Nearby schools include Unionville High School, Montessori, Bill Crothers, etc. University York Condos is in close proximity to York University's new campus. See news: http://news.yorku.ca/2015/05/20/york-u-thrilled-with-the-government-of-ontarios-approval-to-build-a-new-york-university-campus-in-york-region/ Investor's ROI York Condos is great for student rentals as monthly rent is about $1,200. Prices will go up and investors should act now as Government of Ontario just approved the new campus on May, 2015. There will be high demand for York Condominium units in the area. Development The Remington Group is reputable development with sold out projects such as Nexus South, North, IQ Condos, Signature Condos and more. They have a proven track record and York Condos is expected to be another sold out projects. Act now. Register & follow to get the latest updates on this project. https://condonow.com/York-Condos/images/York-Condos-thumbnail.jpg Rouge Valley Dr
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