CondoNow's #1000DollarView

We've made it even easier!

Simply click one of the buttons below to share the message across your favourite social network. That's it. You're entered for a chance at $1000!

Want more chances to win?

1. Copy the post below to your favourite social network and upload an image of YOUR view.

Repost: Win $1000 with @CondoNow's #1000DollarView! Add a pic of your view & get 2 entries!

THIS IS NOT A PHOTO CONTEST. Every image you upload will get you another entry! We want to see your terrible views too!

2. Make sure to Follow or Like CondoNow on your favourite social networks. Here's some quick links to our accounts:

Each Follow or Like counts as a separate, additional entry!

3. Create a free account on CondoNow! Simply sign up using your email, Facebook or Google accounts to get an additional entry!

4. Already a CondoNow Member? Sign up for our CondoNow Insiders' Club and get another entry!

Contest runs from Sep 15,2014 and runs until Oct 31,2014. You may enter as many times as you like. Winner will be chosen at random on November 4, 2014. Please view the official rules to ensure you qualify.