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Clover in Carrington Calgary

Get PLATINUM Access - From $389,900 - $469,900
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Pre–construction Condo at 1 St NW, Calgary
Calgary MLS Zone
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    *Last Updated on Jun 4, 2024 by CondoNow. All information, prices, terms and conditions subject to change without notice. E. and O.E.
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    Clover in Carrington Calgary 1 St NW T3P 0C7 AB Calgary
    51.1816886 -114.0735054
    Clover in Carrington Calgary Clover in Carrington, crafted by Truman Homes, embodies a vision of harmony with nature in a master-planned community. Nestled amidst gently undulating terrain, it offers stunning western vistas alongside natural wetlands, meandering trails, and picturesque viewpoints. Designed to provide an exceptional living experience, Clover seamlessly integrates convenience, natural beauty, and top-notch amenities. Situated in Northwest Calgary, Clover in Carrington boasts easy access to major highways, parks, schools, dining, and shopping hubs, elevating residents' lifestyles. Proximity to green spaces and recreational spots fosters a strong sense of community, catering to diverse lifestyle preferences. Strategically positioned along the upcoming LRT line, Clover Condos in Carrington ensure excellent connectivity, enhancing appeal to both residents and investors alike. Northwest Calgary thrives with its diverse population and robust economy, supported by key industries like energy and commerce, infusing vitality into the region. With over 35 years of expertise in Alberta, Truman, a family-operated firm, spearheads the development of Clover Condos. Renowned for crafting vibrant communities, Truman's extensive portfolio spans residential, commercial, office, and industrial properties. Their commitment to enhancing quality of life shines through meticulously planned projects and strategic initiatives, embodying the belief that everyone deserves an elevated standard of living. https://condonow.com/Clover-in-Carrington-Calgary/images/Clover-in-Carrington-Calgary-thumbnail.jpg 1 St NW
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